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5 Sites That Pay You To Write About Pets

As the internet grows in popularity, more and more people jump online to find solutions to everyday problems. You can find a website chock-full of information on just about anything these days. Need health advice? Check WebMD. Need a recipe? A million food sites are just one Google search away.
Naturally, since pets are a big part of our lives, they attract their fair share of Google traffic.
Any pet owner will tell you that they bring with them a host of little problems that need solving. Maybe your dog has a habit of chewing up your remote controls, or your cat's having digestive difficulties.

There's definitely a great desire out there for information on pets, and the internet is very responsive to the basic laws of supply and demand. Which means there are an infinite number of informational pet articles floating around in cyber-space, with more being written every day.
Obviously, somebody has to write all those articles, and many of those writers get paid pretty decently for their trouble.
There are quite a few companies out there looking for experienced writers to put together high-quality articles for pet-owners, on all sorts of subjects, from health and nutrition, to training, behavior, and supplies.
You can write articles about the proper timing of puppy vaccinations, how to keep a cat from clawing up the furniture, how to build dog-houses, the breed characteristics of the poodle, and more.
There are a million topics out there that connect directly or indirectly with the subject of our furry friends, and if you already know a lot about pets, the research needed to put together a good article shouldn't even be that difficult.
Unfortunately, most sites that focus on pets don't offer enough work to keep you busy all by themselves, and many of them require you to submit articles for review, which means there's no guarantee of getting paid at all. So before you get too excited, note that this probably won't be a primary job for anyone.
But still, content writers often have to juggle a lot of different gigs at once, and this could be an interesting extra job to add to your basket. Especially if you're a pet-owner and enjoy writing about animals anyway!
Below we've put together a list of five sites that will pay you to write pet-related content. It's not an exhaustive list by any stretch, but it will give you a basic picture of what's out there.
If the link to “go here” has been removed, it means that that link was broken due to the site no longer accepting writers. We will replace these with other opportunities as time allows.

1 – Wide Open Pets

This site deals with nearly every category of domestic animal, from dogs and cats, to farm animals like cows and chickens. Articles cover just about every imaginable subject a pet owner might be interested in.
To become a writer, you have to send a resume and a pet-related writing sample, along with a short introduction letter describing yourself. Unfortunately, they don't specify the pay rate for articles, but once you're selected, you'll apparently get frequent opportunities to contribute.
Go here to learn more about writing for Wide Open Pets.

2 – Nashville Paw

If you want to see your words in print, you might enjoy writing for this pet magazine. They publish a paper and digital version every other month.
Anyone can submit articles for consideration, but the rules for how to properly do this are pretty complex, so read carefully on the page linked above to make sure you follow the correct procedures.
The pay rate varies depending on your level of experience, the subject, the length of the article, and other factors.
Go here to learn more about writing for Nashville Paw.

3 – BlogPaws

This is a community-based blog, focused on teaching people to be better, more caring, pet owners.
To write for them, first you'll have to successfully pitch your article idea. They have fairly detailed guidelines for how to do this on the site linked above, and you have to follow their procedures exactly or they won't even consider your idea.
If you make it through their vetting process, and they like what you're pitching, you'll get $75 for your final published article.
Go here to learn more about writing for BlogPaws. (Note – We heard from a reader that this may not currently be an open opportunity at this time).

4 – The Bark

Here's another magazine with both a print and web version. They accept articles all year long, but it may take a year after submission before you find out if your work is accepted.
The pay rate varies depending on the length, subject, and complexity of the article. The submission guidelines are fairly complicated, and they have different rules for web-only submissions versus print.
Go here to learn more about writing for The Bark.

5 – KittyKlatter

They're looking for both guest bloggers, and writers to join their main content team. Team members get paid 15$ per 500 words for commissioned articles.
Guest bloggers don't get paid, but they are allowed to freely promote their own websites or products. Overall, this site is focused on cats, and specifically on products that cat owners might be interested in.
Go here to learn more about writing for KittyKlatter.

The above list is just the tip of the iceberg. There are tons of other sites out there where you can get paid to write pet-related content. And if pet writing doesn't interest you that much, we have several other posts with companies that need writers for other topics, such as …
And if you want to find your own clients to write for, you will certainly benefit from this 19-page Kickstart Your Freelance Writing Biz Workbook. It helps you plan out a new business — finding niches, creating your portfolio, prospecting for clients, pitching, and more.

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