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100 Work From Home Writing Jobs

Do you want to work from home as a writer? If so, you've definitely landed on the right page. Below is a huge listing of companies that hire freelance writers to work from home either on an ongoing or semi-regular basis. Some require past experience, and some don't.

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Your list is below!
Get Paid to Write For …
·      A Pass Education – Possibly worldwide. Educational assessment writing. Minimum of a bachelor's degree required plus 2-5 hours of availability per day.
·      A List Apart – They look for web industry content, pays between $50 and $200 a piece.
·      Athlon Sports – They are regularly looking for contributors to write about sports topics. Rate of pay not listed.
·      iWorkWell – Usually looking for subject matter experts to write and edit instructional articles. Pays up to $195 for content.
·      Back to College – This publication focuses on older people who decide to go back to college, and they're looking for content very specifically tailored to that niche. Submissions can take 90 days for approval. The pay is $55 for original articles.
·      The Bark – The Bark is looking for talented writers to contribute articles about life with dogs. Rate of pay not listed.
·      Beacon Fire – US only. Beaconfire Consulting seeks independent contractors to work as copywriters, part-time.
·      Verblio – Read Verblio Review – Possibly open worldwide. Write blog posts for Verblio's clients. If the client likes your post, you get paid.
·      BookBrowse – Get paid to write book reviews. They hire a pool of regular contributors who review about one book per month. They describe the payment as “modest,” but don't give an exact number.
·      Buy Keyword Articles – Read BKA Review – US only. Pays every two weeks with Paypal. Pays from one to five cents a word.
·      ClearVoice – Higher pay writing. You have to wait to be matched to an assignment after applying. Rates start at ten cents a word.
·      Content Divas – Read Content Divas Review – US only. You get assigned packages to write. The pay rate breaks down to roughly $18 for every 1,000 words. They are not always accepting applications.
·      Content Remarketing – Always on the lookout for freelance writers with demonstrated content writing expertise.
·      Content Runner – Possibly US only. This is an article marketplace where you can write articles and post them for sale. They pay with US bank account. You can find the writer registration page by going to the bottom of their main website and looking under the “Useful Links” heading.
·      Cooking Detective – This is a food blog, looking for people who can write about culinary topics. Payment varies depending on the length and type of article, ranging between $75 and $160.
·      Copy Press – Read Copy Press Review – Worldwide. Hires freelance writers in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. Pays with direct deposit or Paypal twice a month.
·      Cracked – Possibly worldwide. They claim to pay $100 for your first accepted article. You will also get a byline, so it could be good for exposure.
·      Crowd Content – Read Crowd Content Review – Accepts writers from US, CA, UK, and AU, possibly other countries. Earn 2 to 6.6 cents per word depending on your writer level.
·      DesertUSA – A website about desert ecosystems, including scientific articles, historical content, and stories about living in the harsh terrain. Payment is $50 dollars for articles they choose to publish, and you have to submit photos along with the article.
·      Distance Web – Experienced writers desired for generating copy for ads, web sites, and email marketing initiatives.
·      Doctor of Credit – This site focuses on deals and consumer credit issues. You submit an article idea, and if you're accepted you get paid $50. If they like your work well enough you might get taken on as a regular contributor.
·      The Dollar Stretcher – They are open to personal finance submissions, paying ten cents a word.
·      E-Cyrano – Get paid to write dating profiles for people. E-Cyrano pays their writers $78 to $120 per profile.
·      EditFast – Write about EditFast following one of their three guides with keywords and earn $10.
·      Ezdia – Worldwide. Occasionally needs content writers and editors. Pays $1 to $150 per piece. Lots of different types of content available to write.
·      Fansided – Must have knowledge of NBA to write for this site. Pay is not listed, but the site says they offer competitive pay-per-pageview revenue sharing (eight published pieces per month minimum) as well as flat-rate payment options.
·      Fiverr – Read Fiverr Review – You can offer your writing services on Fiverr and get paid. While there is a lot of competition since many people do this, it is a way to earn some extra money here and there. You can have a portfolio on your profile to showcase your work, and you will be rated by your clients. The higher your rating, the more likely you will have repeat business.
·      Freelance Moms – They want articles written for mothers who work as freelancers, focusing on actionable tips and in-depth advice. You submit an article for review, and if it is accepted you get paid $75 to $100 dollars via Paypal for your efforts.
·      getAbstract – This is a self improvement website, looking for educational content related to that subject. According to rumor they sometimes pay over $300 per article, but pay is not mentioned on their contact form.
·      Great Escape Publishing – This company publishes articles dealing with people who work in fields where frequent travel is mandatory. They want articles that focus on the skills needed to make travel efficient. You get paid anywhere from $50 to $200 dollars, depending on the type of article you publish.
·      Get a Copywriter – Read Get a Copywriter Review – Worldwide. Work at home copywriting. Pays $5 to $9 for every 100 words.
·      Great Content – Worldwide. This company is always looking for American writers to create great content for their clients. You can request your pay once you have earned $25. If you're in the UK, you can apply here.
·      Make a Living Writing – This is a high-quality, popular site on freelance writing that does pay for guest posts. Currently, they pay $75 to $150 for guest posts. You can pitch ideas on a variety of writing topics, including blogging, copywriting, marketing, and more.
·      HotGhostWriter – Read HotGhostWriter Review – They are looking for writers that can commit and are looking to work long-term. Pay rate is not disclosed on website.
·      Hire Writers – Read Hire Writers Review – Worldwide. Get paid up to $20 per article you write once you become established on HireWriters.com.
·      Homestead.org – Write articles about homesteading and get paid. They are currently offering $100 for well-written manuscripts.
·      The Hoth – Read The HOTH Review – US only. Regularly hiring native English speaking writers to create SEO content. Pay not listed, but it appears they prefer that you've attended a US based college. They pay with Paypal.
·      How Stuff Works – Pay is $100+ per article. They are extremely selective.
·      Income Diary –  This is a site focused on making money online, creating websites, and things of that nature. They accept submissions, and pay up to $200 dollars per article.
·      IndieMade – Worldwide. Contribute original content about business and marketing of creative businesses. Pay depends on quality of your content. You get your profile pic listed on their contributors page if you write for them.
·      iWriter – Read iWriter Review – Get paid between $2 and $10 for articles you write. Pay out is either weekly,bi-weekly, or monthly, your choice through Paypal.
·      JustParents – They're in need of articles from contributors related to parenting and pregnancy. Avoid pitching topics they've already covered at some point in the past. There is no mention of the pay rate.
·      Kinzer Projects – This company frequently needs freelancers to complete various writing projects, often product descriptions.
·      Kirkus Media – Worldwide. Hires freelance book reviewers, editors, and copywriters on a freelance basis. Work from anywhere.
·      Knitty – If you enjoy knitting and have advice to share on that topic, then this website might pay you to write articles. They like for writers to add some personality in their articles, and a little bit of humor is fine. The pay is $150 to $200 per published submission.
·      Life Tips – Worldwide. Needs SEO Specialists, copywriters, and editors.
·      Listverse – Read Listverse Review – Worldwide. Will pay $100 for accepted 1,000 word lists. Please note that Listverse does claim all rights to submitted content (even if not published).
·      LovetoKnow – Rate of pay not listed. Must provide samples. They regularly accept writers with expertise in the topics they publish content on.
·      Metro Parent – A website for parents living in Michigan, covering local issues. It sounds like this is an ongoing job where you can get consistent work potentially, but they also accept submissions. Pay ranges from $40 to over $200.
·      Modern Farmer – Like the name suggests, this is a blog about farming in the modern world. You have to pitch article ideas, and see if the bite. The pay rate is not listed, but rumor has it that they offer around $150 for articles they accept.
·      Morning Chores – This is a website focused on homesteading and self-sufficiency. They pay $50 per published article.
·      Online Writing Jobs – Read Online Writing Jobs Review – US only. Formerly known as Quality Gal. Get paid up to $50 an article. Weekly payments made via Paypal or mailed check.
·      Paste – They want articles on things like music, movies, and Television. You have to come up with your own article pitches and send a query. The pay rate is not specified.
·      Motherly – They need articles about parenting, and sometimes prefer content with a bit of an irreverent edge. You can submit anything you like without having to pitch it. They pay $50 for work they accept, and you aren't eligible for payment until you've had two pieces published on their site.
·      Penny Hoarder – Here you can pitch articles about lifestyle topics – recipes, travel, savings, and things of that nature. They will negotiate payment after they've seen the article, and decided they're interested.
·      Plum Deluxe – Worldwide. Pays $30 per feature, and they do give author credit. Topics available for submission include travel, food, drink, home, goods, health and style. They have some pretty strict guidelines in place, so read those first. This appears to be more of one-off thing rather than a place that hires you to contribute regularly.
·      PsychCentral – They describe themselves as the oldest online mental health network. It can take three weeks to find out if your article submissions are accepted. Pay rate is not mentioned.
·      Pretty Designs –  They describe themselves as a magazine dedicated to women and women's interests. They're looking for articles on hair, health, beauty, and literature, along with other related topics. They want bloggers who can write multiple articles on an ongoing basis. The pay rate is not mentioned.
·      Ranker – Read Ranker Review – Ranker is regularly looking for freelance list-makers. Must be able to do 5 to 30 lists per week. Rate of pay is not listed.
·      RankPay – They cover social media tips, and SEO related topics. You should look through their archives and make sure your concept hasn't been covered already. If they accept you as a writer, you get paid $50 dollars per article.
·      Reason – Political site with a Libertarian slant that pays for freelance submissions. Rate is not listed, and they do not like unsolicited manuscripts.
·      Red Tricycle – This company has regular openings for contributor, usually looking for parents since their site is geared towards parents. Pay may be around $50 per article, plus they give you a byline.
·      RiseSmart – US and Canada. Hires remote resume writers. Pays hourly to start.
·      Screen Rant – Worldwide. Has a regular need for entertainment writers. They claim this is good part-time pay.
·      Search Influence – Possibly worldwide. Make roughly $15 an hour writing SEO content. They supply the articles you need to write plus keywords & other info. Pretty much everything comes with a 24 hour turnaround time.
·      Search Sciences – Hiring from US, Canada, and UK. Pays roughly $15 per article.
·      Shoutvox – ShoutVox is regularly looking for freelance writers to help create engaging content on a wide variety of topics, including finance, technology, pop culture, and entertainment. Pays $18 to $30 hourly.
·      Sitepoint – This company is looking for writers to join its pool of contributors. They produce monthly articles based around particular themes, teaching different skills. The pay rate is not listed.
·      Skyword – Worldwide. Some upfront pay but also offers revenue share.
·      SmartBrief – Read SmartBrief Review – Has freelance writing/journalist jobs available regularly that are work from home. These are often news-related writing. To find the home jobs, type in “freelance” for your search terms in the keyword box on their site.
·      Talent, Inc. – Read Talent, Inc. Review – Worldwide. Get paid $20 per project to create resumes for Talent, Inc.'s clients. Formerly known as RezBiz.
·      Tempesta Media – This company regularly looks for freelance, remote writers to cover health, IT, technology, corporate insurance, tax, business insurance, and many other topics for its clients. Pay rate is not disclosed.
·      Textbroker – Read Textbroker Review – Worldwide (several countries). Textbroker hires beginners & experienced writers to create content for their clients. Pay is weekly via Paypal on Fridays.
·      Textbroker UK – The UK version of the Textbroker website. Hiring writers from the UK, Australia, Canada, and Britain.
·      TextRoyal.com – Work from anywhere. Writing opportunities available across many different categories. Funds are available to cash out once you've earned at least $10. They pay up to $0.03 per word.
·      The Content Authority – Read The Content Authority Review – Similar to Textbroker. Hires in Canada & US. Pays weekly with Paypal.
·      The Anxiety Foundation – They want wholesome articles, at least 550 words, on anxiety related issues. Payment for accepted articles is $50.
·      Theme Park Tourist – They will pay you $50 for short form articles consisting of between 750-1000 words. This is a long-term commitment if you're accepted, not a site to just write articles for occasionally. They make payments at the end of each month.
·      The Expeditioner – Maybe open worldwide. Currently paying $30 for travel articles typically over 1,000 words.
·      Tripbase – Maybe open worldwide. Get paid $25 to $30 per article for travel content.
·      Upwork – Worldwide. Always accepting freelance writers. You must bid on the work you're interested in.
·      Vida – Looking for remote creative writers. They are in the business of creating dating profiles and matchmaking. Rate of pay is not listed.
·      VQR – They publish, literary fiction, poetry, along with articles about literary art and cultural criticism. Quality standards are very stringent. But the pay is very nice. $1000 dollars for short fiction and essays. $200 dollars for poems.
·      Watch Culture – This site is looking for content about popular culture: movies, games, sports, and things of that nature. They especially like list articles. They state that you will “earn revenue for every article that is published,” but the rate is not listed.
·      WebFX – Regularly looking for remote copywriters. Hourly Rates from $15 to $18. An annual income equivalent to $31k to $37k (potentially higher based on work experience).
·      WL Marketing – Maybe open worldwide. This a company that provides SEO services. They appear to have an ongoing need for article writers.
·      Word Agents – US only. They have a regular need for writes for various projects, including copywriting, blog posts, reviews, and more. All newly accepted content creators will receive a rate of $.03 per word for their successfully-completed content writing jobs. Invoices are paid once per week via PayPal.
·      Word Gigs – Read Word Gigs Review – US residents can earn between $1 and $4 for blurbs and short articles.
·      Words of Worth – Read Review – Open to US, Canada, France, Germany, UK and more. Pays out once a month via bank transfer.
·      Wow Women – This site specializes in content aimed at women readers, written by women. You have to send in a query letter about  any article ideas you have before submitting,  and they pay between $50 and $80 dollars.
·      Writer Access – Read Writer Access Review – US only. Similar to Textbroker, but pay is higher and there is less work. Pays out once a month if you have at least $10 earned.
·      Writer's Domain – Read Writer's Domain Review – Hires English, French, and Spanish speaking writers on occasion. Pays with Paypal.
·      Bustle – Read Bustle Review – Most Bustle writers earn between $12 and $24 hourly, on average, according to Glassdoor anonymous reports. They generally only accept writers with some past experience.
·      Yoga International – They want articles on Yoga that are written with a lot of sensitivity–no body shaming, or anything along those lines. They are highly selective, and only publish a small portion of the articles they receive. Payment is between $50 and $200.
·      Zerys – Possibly worldwide. This is a content site that is usually open to writers.
Revenue Share
·      Hubpages – Read Hubpages Review – Earn ongoing revenue share for publishing hubs through Adsense, Kontera, and Amazon.
·      Consumer Press – This site needs people to write about products, stores, consumer topics, etc. and in return they give 70 percent Adsense revenue share.
·      Her View From Home – Accepts writers to write faith and parenting articles. Geared toward women. You earn a certain amount per views of your article. So if you want to do well with your content, you need to promote it.
·      InfoBarrel – Generate revenue from your articles, and begin building a long term passive income stream
·      Unanchor – Get 50 percent of revenue share from your published travel itineraries sold.
Want to Go Into Business For Yourself?
This is the most profitable route to take as a freelance writer. You can get your own clients and set your own rates, which you cannot really do with the content sites listed above. A six-figure income is not outside the realm of possibility when you're running your own business.
Not sure what you'd write about? I recommend grabbing a copy of Gina Horkey's FREE list of 200+ writing niches to consider! She's also written an incredibly detailed guide on working for yourself as a freelance writer if you're interested in getting a lot more information on how to go about it.

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